Forum Discussion

Parveez_70209's avatar
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Oct 12, 2013

iRule to mark pool member down if HTTP Status Code 502/503 incase the node is not stable



Need suggestion into an option:


  1. Lets say we have a Virtual-server and it has pool consisting of 2 web-servers associated with that.
  2. Lets say, we need to mark the member down which is not stable, or performance issue( lets say if Virtual-server get to know about this member which is doing bad for last 5 times) so that it wont impact production and by seeing the error message in F5, we can go ahead and take some precautionary steps to engage the Apps/Web-server team to check the status from server level. 3 Lets say we want to monitor this some kind of HTTP Code: Like 200/401/502/503 ? I am sorry not very much familiar related to errors.

Thanks and Regards Parveez


2 Replies

  • Hi Parveez,


    I agree with Kevin. What you are describing is better suited for an Advanced Monitor.


    One of the problems with using an iRule to capture things like what you are describing is that if the iRule disables the Node and then it successfully passes a Health Check (which could be monitoring another part of the site which is actually healthy), the Health Monitor will re-enable the Node to take traffic.


    If a Health Monitor marks a Node down then you do have the option of the "Manual Resume" where the Monitor will not re-enable the Node...EVER. You will have to and in that case you could get all of your servers marked down and take an outage as a result.


    It's a slippery slope that your on. I would suggest several Advanced Monitors that monitor different areas of your site and then require that Availability Requirement on the pool to be "All Monitors". You can then add as many as you need to get the job done.


    Not idea to have a pool with a ton-o-monitors on it...but less likely to make all of your servers take a dirt nap when you need them taking traffic.


    Hope this helps.