Forum Discussion

Craig_Phillips_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 01, 2013

APM / XenApp 6.5 Apps Displayed

Hi All. Currently we are testing a setup using APM to replace Storefront, and accessing the XenApp 6.5 apps that we have. As of right now, users are being presented EVERY app that is deployed in the XenApp farm.


I'm curious to find out if there is a way we can leverage the APM to do one of the following:


  1. Filter what is displayed to the user based on their AD Groups.
  2. Provide a different webtop with different apps based on AD Groups.
  3. Somehow leverage iRules to assist here as well.

I'm getting some resistance from our Citrix group, as they currently do app presentation with a mix of AD groups and a "hack" on storefront to leverage "Keywords". I need a way to replicate this if possible.


Or even if we could leverage the "Keywords" which appear to be just a comment entry that is displayed with the app Icon. thanks in advance!




3 Replies

  • I'm curious about this as well. From what I've seen with Citrix it shows all apps in the webtop as you describe with AD groups controlling app access within Citrix. Apps can be grouped into folders but it also has to be done within Citrix.


  • gbbaus_104974's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Seems you want to leverage the SMART ACCESS FILTERS. These are "keywords" (any string really) that is passed from the gateway (ie the APM) the the XenApp server.


    The XenApp server matches the keyword/string, and then presents the Apps that are tagged to be presented when thsi keyword/string is presented - ie the "smart access filter"


    Eg: STAFF would allow "staff" apps to be displayed. GUEST would allow "guest" apps to be dispalyed.










    • Craig_Phillips_'s avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Great I'll give this a try and report back, this seems like what we may need.