Forum Discussion

amit_128525's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 03, 2014

error after adding new irule

hello , we are getting below error in logs , iR_XFF_RewriteOrInsert irule was working fine before we placed new irule Http error TCL error: iR_XFF_RewriteOrInsert - Operation not supported (line 4) invoked from within "HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-For [substr [IP::client_addr] 0 "%"]


existing irule when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::header exists X-Forwarded-For]}{ HTTP::header replace X-Forwarded-For [substr [IP::client_addr] 0 "%"] } else { HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-For [substr [IP::client_addr] 0 "%"] } } new irule added last week to function with existing irule when HTTP_REQUEST { if {([class match [IP::remote_addr] equals whitelist]) } { pool Pool_1 } else { HTTP::respond 503 content [b64decode [class element -name 0 DG_MAINTENANCE_HTML]] "Content-Type" "text/html" } }


5 Replies

  • First, the error should only be manifesting when the client source doesn't match your whitelist data group, where you subsequently send a 503. In the order that you have your iRules applied to the VIP (assuming new one on top), you're potentially sending a 503 response (an egress mechanism) BEFORE attempting to add a header to the ingress stream. You should be able to solve this two ways:

    1. Re-order the iRules in your VIP configuration, or

    2. Apply priority tags to the HTTP_REQUEST events to force a specific order, like this:

      when HTTP_REQUEST priority 50 { 
          if { [HTTP::header exists X-Forwarded-For] } { 
              HTTP::header replace X-Forwarded-For [substr [IP::client_addr] 0 "%"] 
          } else { 
              HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-For [substr [IP::client_addr] 0 "%"] 
      when HTTP_REQUEST priority 100 { 
          if { ( [class match [IP::client_addr] equals whitelist] ) } { 
              pool Pool_1 
          } else { 
              HTTP::respond 503 content [b64decode [class element -name 0 DG_MAINTENANCE_HTML]] "Content-Type" "text/html" 
  • thanks for reply Kevin I have reordered the irules but we are still recieving errors . Mon Jan 6 09:48:44 GMT 2014 err local/tmm3 tmm3[6222] 01220001 TCL error: iR_XFF_RewriteOrInsert - Operation not supported (line 4) invoked from within "HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-For [substr [IP::client_addr] 0 "%"]"


  • would you mind changing the existing irule to something like this?

    root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm rule xff
    ltm rule xff {
        when HTTP_REQUEST_SEND {
      clientside {
        HTTP::header remove X-Forwarded-For
        HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-For [substr [IP::client_addr] 0 "%"]
  • you could try "event disable all" behind the HTTP::respond

    HTTP::respond 503 content [b64decode [class element -name 0 DG_MAINTENANCE_HTML]] "Content-Type" "text/html" 
    event disable all
  • its resolved with chsnging the sequence of the irules I was not doing it on all the VS earlier . Apology for time and thanks for help