Forum Discussion

MODdev_119626's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 15, 2014

Requests from BlueCoat SG Proxy Return 404.4

A site is configured on IIS7 boxes. A client has added BlueCoat SG Proxy on their end. The calls that are going through that proxy get successful responses from the site behind Nginx and exact same calls receive 404.4 (No handler configured) when the site is placed behind the F5.


Please help or advice. Many thanks!


9 Replies

  • BinaryCanary_19's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    What does tcpdump say?


    Is there a virtual server configured to accept those connections on the F5, and forward them to the final web server?


  • The site is fully setup on the F5. A virtual server is configured mapped to a pool forwarding requests to back-end webservers in LTM. The site is also setup in GTM. We don't have tcpdump installed.




  • BinaryCanary_19's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi, If everything is configured on the F5 and the traffic actually reaches your web servers, then the most likely thing is that the domain name (the host header) when the requests get to your web servers is not recognised by your web servers. This seems to me like what the message "no handler configured" means. I'm more familiar with Apache myself, but this seems like the explanation.


  • Thanks for looking. Here is more info on the issue. We confirmed that non-encrypted traffic (http) from the BlueCoat proxy receives 200 status from wen servers. The same requests via https are getting 404.4


  • Could be that the Blue Coat isn't permitting the F5's IP address to retrieve content from it. Has the client investigated the Blue Coat as a possible culprit? I've seen Blue Coats block traffic from newly configured load balanced content through LTMs before. Ran into the issue a couple weeks ago actually.


    • MODdev_119626's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for looking into this, Cory. The site is currently configured on one web server in each data center in LTM. I have pinned the site to one DC using fallback IP LB method. I did request the client to verify the proxy inbound rules though.
  • The issue is still present, but now we know exactly what's happening when the client sends requests. We analyzed packets of good (200) and bad (404) responses. Bad requests are bad because the GET packets contain the domain name pre-pended to the URI. Examples:


    GOOD: 1 8 1408563642.5949 (0.0006) C>SV3.1(480) application_data --------------------------------------------------------------- GET /myURI?myQueryString HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive


    BAD: 2 8 1408641901.6124 (0.0011) C>SV3.1(400) application_data --------------------------------------------------------------- GET HTTP/1.1 Host: WL-Proxy-SSL: true


    My guess is this is a configuration issue on the client's proxy and I will ask them to verify that. But could someone please help me come up with an iRule that would remove the "" portion from the request the client is sending?


  • can you try something like this?

    root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm virtual bar
    ltm virtual bar {
        ip-protocol tcp
        pool foo
        profiles {
            clientssl {
                context clientside
            http { }
            tcp { }
        rules {
        source-address-translation {
            type automap
        vs-index 70
    root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm pool foo
    ltm pool foo {
        members {
    root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list ltm rule qux
    ltm rule qux {
        when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "" } {
        HTTP::uri [string map { /} [HTTP::uri]]
    1 10 1408672423.5666 (0.0039)  C>SV3.1(94)  application_data
        GET HTTP/1.1
    New TCP connection 2: <->
    1408672423.5814 (0.0139)  C>S
    GET /myURI?myQueryString HTTP/1.1
  • Hi Nitass, it worked great! Appreciate your help again with iRules. I'll follow up with the client and see how the testing will go.