Forum Discussion

Terry_B_141446's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 16, 2014

Goofed up in tmsh -- need help fixing

Made a typo in tmsh and accidentally created an interface called "interface". Shows up in the GUI and everything. Now I can't figure out how to remove it. The 'delete' command doesn't seem to work for interfaces.


Any assistance would be appreciated. :-)


5 Replies

  • I see no way to create new interfaces either through the GUI or TMSH. Did you accidentally rename an existing interface instead of create a new one? From TMSH, run a 'list net interface one-line' and post the results here please.


  • Hey Cory,

    Here's the output. Looks like I managed to create several -- they're at the end.

    admin@(f5bigip-jrss-1-jitc-lb-a)(cfg-sync Standalone)(/S1-green-P:Active)(/Common)(tmos) list net interface one-line
    net interface 1/1.1 { flow-control none if-index 977 lldp-tlvmap 114552 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:1d media-active 10000SR-FD media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial AQA2A2P stp disabled vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 1/1.2 { flow-control none if-index 1105 lldp-tlvmap 114552 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:25 media-active 10000SR-FD media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial AQA28NL stp disabled vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 1/1.3 { if-index 1121 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:26 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.4 { if-index 1137 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:27 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.5 { if-index 1153 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:28 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.6 { if-index 1169 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:29 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.7 { if-index 1185 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:2a media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.8 { if-index 1201 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:2b media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.9 { if-index 1217 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:2c media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.10 { if-index 993 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:1e media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.11 { if-index 1009 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:1f media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.12 { if-index 1025 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:20 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.13 { if-index 1041 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:21 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.14 { if-index 1057 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:22 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.15 { if-index 1073 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:23 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/1.16 { if-index 1089 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:24 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/2.1 { bundle disabled flow-control none if-index 1233 lldp-tlvmap 114552 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:2d media-max 40000-FD mtu 9198 stp disabled }
    net interface 1/2.2 { bundle disabled if-index 1249 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:2e media-max 40000-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/2.3 { bundle disabled if-index 1265 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:2f media-max 40000-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/2.4 { bundle disabled if-index 1281 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:30 media-max 40000-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 1/mgmt { if-index 161 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:08 media-active 1000T-FD media-max 1000T-FD }
    net interface 2.2/3 { bundle disabled if-index 1776 }
    net interface 2/1.1 { if-index 978 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:59 media-active 10000SR-FD media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial L13H83077 vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/1.2 { if-index 1106 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:61 media-active 10000SR-FD media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial L13H83079 vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/1.3 { if-index 1122 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:62 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 2/1.4 { if-index 1138 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:63 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 2/1.5 { if-index 1154 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:64 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 2/1.6 { if-index 1170 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:65 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 2/1.7 { if-index 1186 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:66 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 2/1.8 { if-index 1202 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:67 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 2/1.9 { if-index 1218 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:68 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial MPF00W9 vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/1.10 { if-index 994 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:5a media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial MPF00W9 vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/1.11 { if-index 1010 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:5b media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial MPF00W9 vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/1.12 { if-index 1026 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:5c media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial MPF00W9 vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/1.13 { if-index 1042 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:5d media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial MQ7005J vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/1.14 { if-index 1058 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:5e media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial MQ7005J vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/1.15 { if-index 1074 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:5f media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial MQ7005J vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/1.16 { if-index 1090 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:60 media-max 10000T-FD mtu 9198 serial MQ7005J vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/2.1 { bundle disabled flow-control none if-index 1234 lldp-tlvmap 114552 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:69 media-max 40000-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 2/2.2 { bundle disabled if-index 1250 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:6a media-max 40000-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 2/2.3 { bundle enabled if-index 1266 lldp-tlvmap 114552 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:6b media-max 40000-FD mtu 9198 serial MPF00W9 stp disabled vendor "F5 NETWORKS INC." }
    net interface 2/2.4 { bundle disabled flow-control none if-index 1282 lldp-tlvmap 114552 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:6c media-max 40000-FD media-sfp 40000SR4-FD mtu 9198 }
    net interface 2/mgmt { if-index 162 mac-address 00:01:d7:cc:e7:44 media-active 1000T-FD media-max 1000T-FD }
    net interface delete { disabled if-index 1824 }
    net interface int { bundle disabled disabled if-index 1760 }
    net interface interfacd { disabled if-index 1792 }
    net interface interface { disabled if-index 1808 }
    • Cory_50405's avatar
      Icon for Noctilucent rankNoctilucent
      If TMSH provided you a way to add the interfaces, then there must be a way to delete them. I can't find a way from looking through what I have, which are 6900s running 11.3.0 HF8. Looks like you have different hardware and possibly software. What was the syntax you used to add the interfaces?
    • Terry_B_141446's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      By the time I realized what I had done, I couldn't figure out how I had done it. I guess I was hoping I could just delete the commands from the config file and reboot. I tried (bigip_base.conf) but they came back. Is there another config file somewhere?
  • By the time I realized what I had done, I couldn't figure out how I had done it.

    i am able to make it using tmsh load sys config from-terminal merge. that interface is not saved in bigip_base.conf. anyway, after forcing mcpd to reload configuration, it is gone (rebooting without forcing mcpd does not work).

    sol13030: Forcing the mcpd process to reload configuration
    root@VIP4480-R68-S33(/S2-green-P:Active)(tmos) load sys config from-terminal merge
    Enter configuration. Press CTRL-D to submit or CTRL-C to cancel.
    net interface interface {disabled}
    Loading configuration...
    root@VIP4480-R68-S33(/S2-green-P:Active)(tmos) list net interface interface
    net interface interface {
        if-index 2400