Forum Discussion

Muhammad_Awan_6's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 16, 2014

syslog pool keeping the virtual server UP

Hello,i have an I rule that does message based load balancing and we also have an HSL statement in it set hsl_1 [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool HSL_Syslog_Pool]


the issue is when the pool that is allocated to virtual server - "client_prod_pool" goes down meaning no pool members available ,the virtual server still remains available because the HSL pool is available. my question is what should I change in the HSL setting in the irule for the virtual server to go down in case the pool allocated to the VS is not available. thanks


2 Replies

  • SOL14505 should help answer the question.


    SOL14505: The BIG-IP system may erroneously mark a virtual server as available when the associated pool status is offline


  • Thanks , I just tested it and it worked fine , I will implement it in prod in an outage window.