Forum Discussion

Fabou_139732's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 19, 2014

SNAT to multiple addresses and ports

Hi Guys,


I have to create SNAT rule to allow some host to access external system, so they are hidden behind nated address.


I am planning to use virtual servers (Forwarding IP) for this, and the requirement is as below;


SourceIP1 ==> NAT1 to DEST1 & DEST2 on PORT1, PORT2 & PORT3


Now I have to configure more of those as bellow


SourceIP2 ==> NAT2 to DEST1 & DEST2 on PORT1, PORT2 & PORT3


. .


SourceIPn ==> NATn to DEST1 & DEST2 on PORT1, PORT2 & PORT3


You can see that it's a one to one mapping that goes to the same addresses and same ports, also destination addresses 1 & 2 are not in the same network


I there any way I can do this with a reduced number of Virtual Servers? At the moment if I don't want to open all ports to the destinations I will be forced to created 6 entries just for one line so for n lines I will need to create n*6 entries.


Is there any way I can achieve this with reduced creation of virtual servers while still maintaining strict rules (only open the ports that are required)?


I don't have much experience with F5 but I am willing to try out anything that could help achieve this.






1 Reply

  • you could do this with a simple iRule

      switch [TCP::local_port] {
        "80" -
        "8080" -
        "443" {
                if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals] &&
                     ([IP::addr [IP::local_addr] equals] ||
                      [IP::addr [IP::local_addr] equals]) } {
                      snat x.x.x.x

    as you add more, it would make sense to move the data to a data group and use the class command to extract it. You might format like:

    client_addr := snat_ip,dest_ip1,dest_ip2

    so when you extract it based on client address, you can then get to each of the fields you need with the getfield command.