Forum Discussion

l_archambault_1's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Mar 21, 2014

Bip-IP 11.4.1 HF3 Can't open scim/run at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/

Trying to get Big-IQ 4.3 to recognize a Big-IP 11.4.1 HF3, get the following when running the update command from Big-IQ Can't open scim/run at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/


2 Replies

  • I ran into something similar. i had to do this. I was told that they would be fixing the issue in BIG-IQ


    On the BIG-IP, run the following command, touch /etc/bigstart/scripts/scim and then run