Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • John_Alam_45640's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    tmsh reset-stats ltm virtual

    or run tmsh first:

    [root@bip1151:Active:Disconnected] config  tmsh
    root@(bip1151)(cfg-sync Disconnected)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) ltm
    root@(bip1151)(cfg-sync Disconnected)(Active)(/Common)(tmos.ltm) virtual
    root@(bip1151)(cfg-sync Disconnected)(Active)(/Common)(tmos.ltm.virtual) reset-stats
    root@(bip1151)(cfg-sync Disconnected)(Active)(/Common)(tmos.ltm.virtual) quit

    BTW: You can use an iCall with periodic handler which reset the istats. i.e once a day, once per month etc.... There are examples here on DC.

    • John_Alam_45640's avatar
      Historic F5 Account
      you can also reset pool based istats like this: tmsh reset-stats ltm pool
  • ichalis_37981's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    HI guys...


    Sorry, but in 11.3 hf8 the tmsh reset-stats method doesn't work.


    This does:


    bigstart stop istatsd rm -rf /var/tmstat2/cluster/* rm -rf /var/tmstat2/blade/* bigstart start istatsd