Forum Discussion

JCMATTOS_41723's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 10, 2014

Cookie and URI irule not working?

We have some ltms with 10.2 that will need to match on a cookie and uri irule logic and doesn't seem to be working properly.


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([class match [HTTP::cookie "UserInfo"] contains companyX]) and ( not [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/serviceb/")} { pool SERVER1 } }


I noticed that the cookie logic works fine by itself, but when I add the "and" logic it doesn't work. I'm wondering if my configuration is correct?


6 Replies

  • Probably need to move brackets around like below.


    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
      if { ([class match [HTTP::cookie "UserInfo"] contains companyX]) and \ 
           not ([string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/serviceb/")} { 
        pool SERVER1 

    Just a tip, when posting iRules. Select your code and then press Tab. It will format it nicely for you 🙂


  • Kevin,


    Thx for you response. Is the \ after the "and" a typo?


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([class match [HTTP::cookie "UserInfo"] contains companyX]) and \ not ([string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/serviceb/")} { pool SERVER1 } }


    • Cory_50405's avatar
      Icon for Noctilucent rankNoctilucent
      Take the \ out of the iRule. I think Kevin meant that as an indicator that the statement was continued on the next line.
  • Is the \ after the "and" a typo?

    Another common use of backslash substitution is for line continuation: Continuing long commands on multiple lines. When a line ends with a backslash, the interpreter converts it and the newline following it and all whitespace at the beginning of the next line into a single space character, then evaluates the concatenated line as a single command:

    iRules Optimization 101 - 04 - Delimiters: Braces, Brackets, Quotes and more by Deb Allen
  • The \ is a continuation character. If you put the following line back on the same line you don't need it.


    iRules/TCL is a bit quirky though. Sometimes it likes it and sometimes.... if its throwing errors then remove it.


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