Forum Discussion

venomriser_4924's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 25, 2014

GTM and LTM Design for customer

HI Guys, I need some experts advice for designing LTM and GTM boxes in a customer's network. The customer will have 2 data centres(DC) and and 10 sites. Basically, few other sites will be consolidated to the DC. We need to have resilience for GTM and LTM as well. GTM will be placed in DCs and LTMs at sites. Apart of that, some sites might be using internet traffics to communicate with different sites utilizing an MPLS infrastructure. We might need to have a solution for a scenario where the traffics will be redirected either via the Internet or MPLS (in case of failure) and the F5 boxes able to identify and redirect it correctly. Please let me know if anyone have worked or came across this kind of design and recommendation.


If you have any samples of design, please let me know as well.


I appreciate your help over here.


Thank you.


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