Forum Discussion

Ani_128562's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 30, 2014

Application access basic authentication using irule

We are using Big IP LTM version 11.1.0 Need to introduce an authentication before accessing an application (virtual server) so as to restrict the application access to a limited users if accessed from internet. Found some documentation on accomplishing this using iRule and data group. But since i am new to iRule, i am not able to configure the same properly and also some of the documents talks about syntax difference between LTM versions. Following is the example refereed..


Create “authorized_users” data group with the username and corresponding md5 password hash for the user using Linux For each user create login and password entry in the “authorized_users” data group. as in Example:


class authorized_users { { "secretuser" { "2034f6e32958647fdff75d265b455ebf" } "secretuser2" { "b4a507240e325a8c406b9eb8243f97e6" } }



Create the iRule with following code when HTTP_REQUEST { binary scan [md5 [HTTP::password]] H* password if { [class lookup [HTTP::username] $::authorized_users] equals $password } { log local0. "User [HTTP::username] has been authorized to access virtual server [virtual name]" } else { if { [string length [HTTP::password]] != 0 } { log local0. "User [HTTP::username] has been denied access to virtual server [virtual name]" } HTTP::respond 401 WWW-Authenticate "Basic realm="Secured Area"" event HTTP_REQUEST disable SSL::session invalidate }



But when tried to create a data group using webgui, the options available was address, integer and string. Also as mentioned above some documents refers to some syntax difference while using class in iRules between versions.


A step by step support to achieve the configuration is highly appreciated.




3 Replies

  • can you try this?


       if { [class lookup [HTTP::username] $::authorized_users] equals $password } { 


       if { [class lookup [HTTP::username] authorized_users] equals $password } { 
  • Hi Kevin / nitass

    It worked.. thanks for the guidance and quick response.

    But after inserting the iRule, we faced another issue. We were using below iRule for some pool mapping. But after introducing the new rule for authentication, the application screen is not displaying properly. Following is the existing rule.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    ------------Attachement related modification------------------------------------

    event enable all if {[HTTP::uri] contains "OpenElement"} { event HTTP_RESPONSE disable event HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA disable }

    ------------Attachement related modification------------------------------------ if{[HTTP::header exists "Accept-Encoding"]} { HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding" }

    if {not([HTTP::cookie exists MTAG]) and ([HTTP::cookie exists UTAG]) and ([HTTP::uri] contains "[lindex [split [HTTP::cookie UTAG] ":"] 1].nsf")} {

    set mlock [lindex [split [HTTP::cookie UTAG] ":"] 0]
    log local0. "transferring to the mailbox pool"

    } if {([string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "") and ([HTTP::path] equals "/")} { pool REG-POOL log local0. "======START=====" } elseif {[string tolower [HTTP::path]] starts_with "/dlbmail"} { log local0. "Explicit flow PRE-MOD: [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]" set mlock [lindex [split [HTTP::cookie UTAG] ":"] 0] regexp -nocase {/(dlbmail((1|2)(cl)?))/(.*)} [HTTP::uri] match a g h c b log local0. " A G H C B = $a $g $h $c $b " HTTP::header replace "Host" $ HTTP::uri /$b log local0. "Explicit flow POST-MOD: [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]" pool DLBMAIL0$g-POOL } elseif {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals ""} { log local0. "ARCHIVE Access PRE-MOD: [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]" set mlock "DLBARCHIVE"

    regexp -nocase {/(dlbarchive)/(.*)} [HTTP::uri] match e f log local0. " E F = $e $f"
    HTTP::header replace "Host"
    HTTP::uri /$f
    log local0. "ARCHIVE Access POST-MOD: [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]"

    } elseif {[HTTP::cookie exists MTAG]} { log local0. "implicit flow PRE-MOD: [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]" if {[HTTP::cookie MTAG] equals "DLBARCHIVE"} { switch [HTTP::host] { "" { HTTP::header replace "Host" log local0. "implicit flow POST-MOD mail-ARCHIVE: [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]" pool DLBARCHIVE-POOL } "" { set mlock [lindex [split [HTTP::cookie UTAG] ":"] 0] HTTP::header replace "Host" $ log local0. "implicit flow POST-MOD mail: [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]" pool $mlock-POOL } } } if {[HTTP::cookie MTAG] starts_with "DLBMAIL"} { switch [HTTP::host] { "" { set mlock DLBARCHIVE HTTP::header replace "Host" log local0. "implicit flow POST-MOD mail-ARCHIVE: [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]" pool DLBARCHIVE-POOL } "" { scan [HTTP::cookie MTAG] DLBMAIL%s a set a [string trimleft $a 0] HTTP::header replace "Host" dlbmail$ log local0. "implicit flow POST-MOD mail: [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]" pool [HTTP::cookie MTAG]-POOL } } } } elseif {[string tolower [HTTP::path]] contains "dlbhomepage.nsf"} { set mlock 1 log local0. "Retrieving info from DLB Home page" pool REG-POOL } else { log local0. "original flow : [HTTP::host]/[HTTP::uri]" pool REG-POOL } }

    when HTTP_RESPONSE { if {[HTTP::header exists "Location"]} {

    if {[HTTP::header "Location"] starts_with ""} { return }
    if {[HTTP::header "Location"] starts_with "http://dlbmail"} {
        log local0. "Backend server redirection on DLBMAIL pool = [HTTP::header "Location"]"
    regsub -nocase {http://(dlbmail(1|2))*)} [HTTP::header "Location"] {\1/\2}
    regexp -nocase {http://(dlbmail(1|2)(cl)?)\.dhanbank\.com/(.*)} [HTTP::header "Location"] match l m o n
    HTTP::header replace "Location" "$l/$n"
    log local0. "Backend server redirection on DLBMAIL pool- POST MOD = [HTTP::header "Location"]"
    if{([info exists a]) and ( $a ne "")} { regsub -nocase {^/(?!dlbmail(01|02))(.*)} [HTTP::header "Location"] {/$a/\1} }
    if {[HTTP::header "Content-Type"] starts_with "text/"} {
    set cl [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]
    if {not($cl equals "")} {
          HTTP::collect $cl


    when HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA { if {[info exists mlock]} { if {$mlock == 1} { regexp -nocase {http://(dlbmail((1|2)(cl)?))[^"]*)} [HTTP::payload] match ml nuc nu uc uri log local0. "Match detected URI = $match" log local0. "Match detected ML= $ml" log local0. "Match detected NU= $nu" log local0. "Match detected URI= $uri" set usr [string range $uri [expr [string last / $uri] +1] [expr [string last "nsf" $uri] -2]]

    regsub -nocase -all {http://(dlbmail(1|2))} [HTTP::payload] {\1/} set mlock 0
    HTTP::cookie insert name UTAG value "[string toupper DLBMAIL0$nuc]:$usr" domain path "/"
    log local0. "Retreival complete and cookie UTAG inserted =[string toupper DLBMAIL0$nuc]:$usr"
    if {$mlock matches_glob "DLB*"} {
    HTTP::cookie insert name MTAG value "$mlock" domain path "/"
    log local0. "Passing the HANDLE for IMPLICIT Pool selection MTAG = $mlock"
    set pl [HTTP::payload length]
    regsub -nocase -all {http://(dlbmail((1|2)(cl)?))\.dhanbank\.com/} [HTTP::payload] {\1/} nplw
    regsub -nocase -all {dlbarchive\.dhanbank\.com} $nplw {} nplw
    HTTP::payload replace 0 $pl $nplw


    Following is the screen shot

    Could you please guide me on this too..


  • Just a quick question. Your thread topic is asking about HTTP Basic auth, but it would appear your application is doing forms-based auth. Are you trying to replace the form and use accounts local to the F5?