Forum Discussion

ryang1991_17782's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 01, 2014

A question on Enterprise Manager status behavior

Hello, I'm working with the Enterprise Manager (version 3.1.1) and am managing a variety of LTM and GTM devices. While monitoring the status of the devices, they occasionally report being unreachable for about a half hour, then return to Active or Standby mode afterwards. It's usually accompanied by the error message,


"get_partition_list: iControl error: 'iControl::char*:SOAPException: 'Error writing to secure socket''".


As far as I know this is not disrupting the tasks in any apparent manner. I'm assuming this happens during a ConfigSync or a device refresh. Is this normal behavior for the Enterprise Manager? Will this affect communications in any meaningful way?


Edit: The devices in question are a mix of LTM 6900, LTM 8900, GTM 1500, and GTM 1600. They are running version 10.2.4.


5 Replies

  • Sure. It's a mix of LTM 6900, LTM 8900, GTM 1500, and GTM 1600 devices it's happening to. Most of them are running version 10.2.4
  • Cory_12946's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I could have to do with the frequency of stats collection on the EM for devices. or the EM could be too busy to keep up. Do you have a hardware or VE em? also how many devices total is the EM managing?


    • ryang1991_17782's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Yeah, I was considering that. It's hardware, and it's managing about 80 devices.
  • Cory_12946's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    That is likely the issue. 80 is pretty close to the upper limit of devices to mange, depending on stats polling intervals. you could open a case with support and have them verify.