Forum Discussion

DevBabu_174449's avatar
Jan 21, 2015

New to iApp

I was going through labs on iApp. I have multiple queries


presentation { include "/Common/my_apl_common"


section virtual { ip_and_port vs_info <============ "ip_and_port" is this predefined field ? If so where do i get the list of predefined fields. yesno attach_pool } optional ( virtual.attach_pool == "Yes" ) { section pool { lb_method lb <=== Same here. simple_pool_members servers } }


Besides, where do I get the list of methods to call. For example:


my_app_utils:create_http_vs <========== my_app_utils:create_pool <============




  • Using the keyword "define," you may create your own APL definitions. The custom def "yesno" is defined in /Common/apl_common. My guess is that in your case, "my_apl_common" must contain both "yesno" and "ip_and_port."


1 Reply

  • Fred_Slater_856's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Using the keyword "define," you may create your own APL definitions. The custom def "yesno" is defined in /Common/apl_common. My guess is that in your case, "my_apl_common" must contain both "yesno" and "ip_and_port."