Forum Discussion

mingor_192386's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 18, 2015

How to Advertise Internal AWS VPC VIP addresses via external elastic IP Addresses with LTM and GTM

We have an LTM VE installed in AWS with an external and internal interface on separate subnets that are both on the same VPC within AWS. When the LTM is added to the GTM the internal VPC VIP addresses of the external interface are what show up as the virtual servers on the GTM. However, these are not publicly addressable IPs so the customers have no way to get to the VIP VPC addresses unless static elastic IPs are assigned to each VIP. The elastic IPs then need to show up as the IPs for the virtual servers in the GTM and also need to be what is resolved to for WIDEIP name resolutions. Is there a way via the configuration of the VIPs and/or the GTM virtual servers to force the external publicly addressable elastic IPs to be resolved to for the WIDEIP resolutions instead of the internal private VPC addresses?


Thanks - Rob


2 Replies

  • Not that I know of.


    As far as I know, the EIP to internal-ip configuration is static in case of multiple IPs per interface. You can edit the network interface addresses to add additional ones, and then map an EIP for every internal IP.

