Forum Discussion

afedden_1985's avatar
Apr 06, 2015

SCF File restore with partitions

We recently purchased a new Viprion with 2250 blade. I need to migrate our 8950 to a Viprion. I want to take the complete configuration minus the bigip_base.conf and put it on the Viprion and was told a SCF restore can do this. I’ve already seen that I may need to tarball the SSL certs and use a few more processes to bring them over but we use several partitions on the 8950 to separate the configurations with the business areas. Most nodes, data groups and irules and monitors, profiles etc are in common so we can reuse those objects in different partitions. I have read several SOLs about creating and restoring with SCF files but none of them I have seen mention if the SCF restore will restore al the partitions and their individual bigip.conf configuration files I was wondering if anyone had experience with this type of a SCF restore and what issues you may have run into.


1 Reply

  • jlong_117517's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hello afedden, Partition restore via scf works great from my experience. When restoring to a vcamp guest, if the guest and hardware device are running at identical code levels, edit out the base configurations from the scf and modify the self-ip(s) to reflect the vlan names configured on the chassis. If restoring directly to a blade, you can remove the vlan and self-ip information from the scf so long as they have been pre configured on chassis and the network information in the scf matches up. In addition, if you have already imported your certificate bundle into the chassis/guest, remove the 'cache-path' references from the scf. As long your configuration does not contain apm/asm or iapps, the restore should go smoothly.


    If your chassis/guest and hardware platforms are not running identical code, you may want to consider rolling over the config in a virtual machine or spare/standby hardware platform.