Forum Discussion

damian_19221's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 27, 2015

Upgrade to BIP-IP V11.6.0 hanging


I am looking to upgrade to the latest release of firmware. I have an F5 1600 appliance which is part of an active/standby device group. It is currently running 11.4.1 HF8.

I installed 11.6.0 on a spare partition and booted into this (installing our configuration), and the GUI does not return. In /var/log/ltm I see repeatedly:

Jul 27 09:17:11 longgos-dc-comm-lb-bip-02a notice mcpd[5455]: 01071431:5: Attempting to connect to CMI peer port 6699
Jul 27 09:17:11 longgos-dc-comm-lb-bip-02a err mcpd[5455]: 0107142f:3: Can't connect to CMI peer, TMM outbound listener not yet created is the configsync address configured for the other device in the HA cluster.

Are there any significant changes in the way clustering works between 11.4.1 --> 11.6.0? I read the upgrade notes for 11.6.0 and couldn't see anything...

Thanks, Damian

5 Replies

  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    What's the output of the following? Do they give any clues?


    bigstart status mcpd bigstart status httpd


    How about if you restart mcpd?


    bigstart restart mcpd


    Any errors in the following log files /var/log/httpd/httpd_errors or /var/log/ltm?


    Finally, what about if you reload the configuration "tmsh load sys config"


    Hope this helps give you more clues.




  • Hi Nathan,

    I had a play - a tmsh load sys verify and saw this:

    01070726:3: ClientSSL Profile /Common/clientssl-insecure-compatible in partition Common cannot reference ClientSSL CertKeyChain Entry /Common/clientssl-insecure-compatible default_default in partition Nova
    Unexpected Error: Validating configuration process failed.

    Looks like someone (not me, I promise!!) has modified the default clientssl profile with a (now non-existent) SSL cert / key pairing which prevented the config from loading. Not sure why it loaded into 11.4.1 and not 11.6.0. I edited bigip.conf to remove this section and it loaded successfully!


  • Similar problem while upgrading from 11.4.1 to 11.6.0.

    FIX: I had to renew license.

    [root@xxx:INOPERATIVE:Disconnected] log  tail -f ltm           
    Jan 17 08:06:48 xxx err mcpd[6458]: 0107142f:3: Can't connect to CMI peer, TMM outbound listener not yet created
    Jan 17 08:06:53 xxx notice mcpd[6458]: 01071431:5: Attempting to connect to CMI peer port 6699
    [root@xxx:INOPERATIVE:Disconnected] log  tmsh load sys config verify
    Validating system configuration...
    Validating configuration...
    01070356:3: Load balancing feature not licensed.
    Unexpected Error: Validating configuration process failed.