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clay584_103411's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 01, 2015

Virtual Edition NIC Mapping

Which interfaces on the virtual edition map to which F5 interfaces?


I know there are four. One for management, two for in-band data, and one for HA. But which one. I'm trying to deploy this in Ravello and I cannot get management access and it would really help to know which nic is which.


Thanks all.


1 Reply

  • (The mapping changed since v11.5.1. Now VM adapter 4 will be taken for management instead of VM adapter 1)


    The default setting should be as follows:

    Network adapter 1, F5 guest system management interface (eth0)  That will be used for GUI management access, as well as for SSH management access.
    Network adapter 2, tmm interface 1.1
    Network adapter 3, tmm interface 1.2
    Network adapter 4, tmm interface 1.3

    Interfaces 1.1 - 1.3 do not really matter before you have the management access in place. You can configure them according to your personal preference later on in F5/TMOS. For instance, you can use 1.1 for clientside traffic VLAN, 1.2 for serverside traffic VLAN(s) and 1.3 for HA (config-sync & failover).