Forum Discussion

Allanwynn_16283's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 21, 2015

Device redundancy with more than two device



Anyone here have setup high availability or redundancy for more than two devices? May I know what are the things I need to do to have a high availability for this?


is this possible setup:


Device1(active) ---- Device2(active) ---- Device3(standby) ----- Device4 (standby)


Thank you!


2 Replies

  • You can have multiple devices in same SYNC GROUP so that they share the same configuration. But achieving HA/traffic-group is not valid for such scenario.


  • Salim_83682's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Sure you can. All 4 devices would be in the same device-group. You can create 2 Traffic-Groups and have your Device 1 to be active for TG1 and Device 2 to be active for TG2 (for example). Salim