Forum Discussion

Thomas_Cuthbert's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 23, 2015

CRM - Cross Domain Functionality Through F5


Our topology looks like this

   F5 :=
      Azure plugin/SaaS service

We are having issues where the external Azure plugin, in this case Click Dimensions, is raising an authentication exception when processing CRM data.

We have the following iRule in place to handle header and payload rewrites.

    if { [HTTP::header host] eq "" } {
       HTTP::header replace Host ""

      Disable the stream filter for all requests

      LTM does not uncompress response content, so if the server has compression enabled
      and it cannot be disabled on the server, we can prevent the server from 
      sending a compressed response by removing the compression offerings from the client
     HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding"


     Rewrite the Location header replacing the internal hostname with the external hostname
    HTTP::header replace Location [string map -nocase {"" ""} [HTTP::header Location]]
     only do this for text-based responses        
    if { [HTTP::header Content-Type] contains "text" } {        
         establish the stream expression             
        STREAM::expression {@http://crmdev.internal@https://crmdev.external@ @https://crmdev.internal@https://crmdev.external@}
        STREAM::expression {@crmdev.internal@crmdev.external@}
         enable stream processing            


As the F5 is in SSL offload mode, do we need to include anything to handle the HTTP 401 Challenge/Response to the IIS server? Or has anyone experienced similar issues where the F5 acts as the external face for applications on an internal domain?

1 Reply

  • This is a fairly common issues and you have a couple options. You could change the headers on the fly with something like the following:

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
      if {
           [HTTP::is_redirect] &&
           [HTTP::header Location] == ""
           } {
        HTTP::header replace Location [string map {"" ""} [HTTP::header Location]]

    Or, you could ensure that you added an Access Mapping to SharePoint/CRM with the header its receiving on the default zone.