Forum Discussion

Christopher_Ela's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 03, 2015

How to add VMWare security server in LTM ?

Hi Guys,


We got a requirement to add two VMWare security servers to LB,




VMip1 and VMip2 should share the equal traffic.


I have created the following: 1.Virtual ip 2.Pool 3.Pool member 4.Health monitor(TCP) 5.Load balancing Method : RATIO


after all I could see the servers up and on-line, but users are not able to access the server.


I am bit confused here, Is there any special settings we need to enable on LB?


Guys please share your views on this.


Thanks, Chris


  • could you please elaborate more, what is the vmware version, what is the security servers you mean, ...., what is the expected service