Forum Discussion

Demeter_Luo_168's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 16, 2015

What does the err log "err audit_forwarder: audit_forwarder started"means?

Hi,my friends, Who can tell me the meanings of 'err audit_forwarder: audit_forwarder started'?


2 Replies

  • I see this on my virpion 2400 log for a newly inserted blade.Is what I can tell. Any idea on what this related to , would be helpful


  • This message seems to be output when starting transmission of audit information to AAA servers such as RADIUS.


    It seems that it's being output because the above is restarted when the audit log rotates.


    There is apparently no problem so you can ignore the message.


    From v11.6.0, this message isn't output to the log anymore