Forum Discussion

Jason_04_138617's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 14, 2016

How to place LTM Virtual Servers with same IP address but different ports behind GTM?

I have two LTMs in different data centers and a single GTM with knowledge of both.


On LTM 1, I have five different Virtual Serverss that all share the same IP address but listen on different ports. Each Virtual Servers uses a different pool for load balancing. There is one FQDN associated with this IP address.


On LTM 2, I have DR instances of the abovementioned five Virtual Serverss; basically copies of the builds on LTM 1, but with all Virtual Servers sharing a different single IP address, and different members in the load balancing pools.


The usual way that I set up GTM is I build a single Wide IP with a single pool beneath it, the pool would contain two members; LTM 1 and LTM2, and global availability would be used to prefer LTM1.


I am looking for a similar way to configure GTM that can accomodate the fact that I have multiple LTM Virtual Servers listening on different ports. I was thinking of creating five different pools underneath the single Wide IP but am unsure how GTM would know which pool to use when a client requests the FQDN.


I prefer not to use iRules unless it can't be accomplished any other way, any input appreciated.


1 Reply

  • After speaking with a colleague, I've identified a solution; a single pool under the wide ip with two members listening on just one port. Essentially this means only one of the five LTM VS is monitored by GTM, so if this one goes down they will all appear to be down, but that isn't a concern in this particular scenario.