Forum Discussion

Andreas_Bernha1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 06, 2016

what is most stable TMOS version? (11.4.0 or 11.4.1)



I am looking for advice based on production experience what is most stable TMOS version to be deployed on BIG-IP 4000 deployment.


Previously, I want to upgrade to TMOS 11.5.4 but unfortunately, I have an issue regarding last service check date is older than 2013-12-05. And I know if I can't upgrade to 11.5.4. I have alternative solution, I want to upgrade to 11.4.x but I still need for advice. What is most stable TMOS version 11.4.0 or 11.4.1?


And i have profile SSL for client. No compression or caching - so no fancy features necessary, stability and performance is most important.


So what version you can recommend, 11.4.0 or 11.4.1?


Thanks, Regards, Andreas Bernhard


1 Reply

  • Can you re-license the device (If you've got a valid service contract...) then you can go to any version you want.


    In regards to 11.4.X, I'd suggest 11.4.1 with the latest Hotfix to ensure most Bugs/Vulns are covered off.