Forum Discussion

dkemper_258780's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 26, 2016

Office 365 Hybrid "thick" clients, totally replace ADFS (not just ADFS Proxy)

Goal: Hybrid Setup with Office 365, no p/w in cloud. Status. Set up (w/Big IP APM) and works great except for thick clients. Does the most recent iApp for ADFS or iApp for office 365 allow thick clients to authenticate, or is the iApp for ADFS at the point where it can replace ADFS (and not just ADFS proxy) ? Or if must be done manually, is there guidance for what info the big ip needs from O365 and what O365 is looking for from Big IP (and where to enter this config info)?


9 Replies

    • dkemper_258780's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      cool- by which means? iApp for O365, iApp for ADFS, or manual configuration?


      btw, if O365 already configured for 'normal' office apps, e.g. word and web, but not with 'thick apps' like SFB, then are there perhaps only a few settings to adjust/add?


    • dkemper_258780's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Right, cool. I got the gist. I've learned in the interim that neither the adfs iApp nor the O365 iApp will get me all the way there (no "Easy-Button"), BUT that a manually coded policy will be able to do that once I figure it out. We already have one that works for all office, it's now a matter of technique-- and terms. e.g. Microsoft refers to a mexurl and I think they really mean metadata url. It's also not perfectly clear where I get the appropriate mexurl from and where I need to input that data.


      I'm thinking that I might be able only to modify the existing policy that lets all other office apps and IE work with O365, but not sure where to start.