Forum Discussion

avnishvyas_1974's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 23, 2017

Health monitor using a Loopback address ?

Hello All


Im in the process of setting up a one-arm LTM solution for pool members listening on port_8080 and port_8083. In the design the architect asked me to use a GET request SEND and RECEIVE string with the following. SEND http://[Content Manager IP address]:8080/health.basic RECEIVE WSUP


http://[Content Manager IP address]:8083/ RECEIVE WSUP


Im a slightly confused as to what IP address would be going in between the []. I need the health check to monitor the 6 pool members on their respective ports and if any member goes down it wont have traffic forwarded to it. One of the TA's mentioned using a wildcard .* or to use the




Will this work?


1 Reply

  • No, it won't. And you don't need to configure the IP address in the monitor, just enter the following in the Send String:


    GET /health.basic\r\n


    And don't configure an IP or service port (wildcard * is the default), the monitor will use the IP and port configured in the actual monitored member.