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GeoffG_213492's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 06, 2017

Virtual Server and DNAT to External Node

Hi Everyone,

I need to work out how I can setup a Virtual Server to basically accept traffic in and pass on to an external FQDN node address. I am running Version 11.5.4 which doesn't allow FQDN's hence this reason for this iRule.

I just want to pass the traffic through to the Destination as is without any SSL Offloading or Bridging. The reason I need to do this the clients have to be funnelled through the F5 and their destination is the FQDN. This doesn't seem to be working and I get the following output which I think shows something is going wrong when the node command is invoked as can be seen in the server connected log messages. We have multiple routing domains with %1 being the domain this is all happening in and I don't SNAT here because this will be done on the perimeter firewall.

The output in the log is as follows: : %1 has been successfully resolved : Setting Node %1 as the VIP member in which to forward traffic to : Node set to %1 "SSL connection from Mapped to ->

I have the following configured

    ltm virtual vs-extnode {
    ip-protocol tcp
    partition S-Dev
    persist {
        /Common/source_addr {
            default yes
    profiles {
        /Common/fastL4 { }
    rules {
    translate-address disabled
    translate-port disabled
    vs-index 26

   set host ""
   set dest [lindex [RESOLV::lookup @ -a $host] 0]
   append dest "%1"
   log local0. "$dest has been successfully resolved"
    if { $dest ne "" } {
        log local0. "Setting Node $dest as the VIP member in which to forward traffic to"
        node $dest 443
   } else {
        log local0. "No response from DNS request"

  log local0. "SSL connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]. \
    Mapped to [serverside {IP::local_addr}]:[serverside {TCP::local_port}] \
    -> [IP::server_addr]:[serverside {TCP::remote_port}]"

If anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated. Likely there is something I am just missing....

1 Reply

  • Hi,


    But what is exact issue you experiencing? Logs looks fine, except it's hard to judge if IP of node set command is correct or not.


    log local0. "$dest has been successfully resolved" - placement of this log message seems to be a bit strange - before actual test if DNS resolution returned anything.


    Other issue I suspect is that you are testing if $dest is not empty string after appending %1 to result of your DNS query - so your test will always return true, even if DNS resolution will fail.


    Log entry "Setting Node %1 as the VIP member in which to forward traffic to : Node set to %1" suggests that DNS resolution failed.


    So try to move append inside if checking if DNS response returned anything and then retest results.

