Forum Discussion

F5_Freek_243545's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 08, 2017

GTM Question



We have a set up to resolve wide ip urls and which is forwarding to the downstream LTM big ip. Our DNS is deligated to GTM completely, means* should resolve from GTM.


Now i have another URL which needs to resolve from downstream dns servers. Can i configure GTM in a way that any URLs which is nor present in the wide-ip list should forward to other downstream dns servers?


Please help.




3 Replies

    • F5_Freek_243545's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Kevin,


      This solution creates a listener and forwards to the DNS servers.


      My requirement is to resolve the wide-ip in the zone first. If the wide IP doesn't exists, need to forward it to the downstream DNS server. Would this help?


    • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      Greetings, In this situation, BIG-IP DNS checks incoming DNS queries and if the query is for a wide IP, resolves the query. Otherwise, BIG-IP DNS forwards the DNS query to one of the servers in a pool of DNS servers, and that server handles the query.


      Give it a try and let us know!

