Forum Discussion

Bciesz_171056's avatar
Aug 21, 2017

iRule if based on incoming IP


I have a problem here... I'm trying to make an iRule perform specific action if incoming traffic comes from a specific IP address. I have:


if {[IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]}{
    log local0. "dupa"


now I'm quite sure my IP is but when I log this traffic using:

log local0. "Incoming IP: [IP::client_addr]"

i get in log:

How can I catch traffic from this IP to code some exceptions?

4 Replies

  • I guess the %3 is added because you are using multiple route domains.


    If you add to your condition equals ""


    It will match




  • Did you refer this Q&A and Q&A.

    So it would be something like below,


    set rd "%[ROUTE::domain]"
    set client_ip [string map "$rd \"\"" [IP::client_addr]]
    if {$client_ip equals ""} {
        log local0. "IDMS dupa"


  • Hi,

    you can extract Route domain and IP Address with split and compare it with IP::addr (useful if you need to compare network with netmask evaluation)


    elseif {$incURI contains "csmon"}{
        set _redirect "0"
        log local0. "IDMS test Monitoring: [HTTP::uri]"
        log local0. "IDMS test inc IP: [IP::client_addr]"
        lassign [split [IP::client_addr] "%"] IP_addr rd
        if {[IP::addr $IP_addr equals ""] && $rd equals [ROUTE::domain]} {
            log local0. "IDMS dupa"