Forum Discussion

eneR_159774's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 30, 2017

F5 LTM Sizing - sharepoint skype exchange with ssl passthrough

Hey guys, short question.


I am actually thinking about the sizing of a pair of F5 LTMs for a customer and i got some basic Information about the application/Service. We are talking about SharePoint/Skype/Exchange and i've got many datas directly from the server guys.


I have this informations:


L4 Connections/s


Skype: unknown


SharePoint: 1.600.000


L4 HTTP Req.


Skype: ~25000


SharePoint: ~15000


L4 concurrenct conns.


Skype: unknown


SharePoint: ~1.600.000


L7 Connections/s


Skype: ~900.000


Exchange: ~360.000


SharePoint: ~140.000


What model would you prefer? And there are also thoughts about using the F5 LTM in mode ssl passtrough. So the SSL Traffic would just pass the LB. Would that change anything in the needed size of the LB model/series?