Forum Discussion

Karthik_Kumaran's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 08, 2017

Forward SRV queries coming to listener to a Pool using iRule

is it possible to forward SRV queries coming to a GTM listerner, to a pool of DNS servers to fetch response for the SRV records, using an iRule attached to the listener, something like below?

 if {[DNS::question type] equals "SRV" } {
      pool Internal_DNS_Servers

And is this possible in tmos 11.x??

1 Reply

  • the above iRule works in 12.x version. The GTM is able to forward SRV queries to a backend pool of DNS servers and hence serving the client requesting SRV records. But the same does not work in 11.x. Is this a valid configuration only from 12.x version?