Forum Discussion

Sunnypro_250536's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 10, 2017

Application VIP is redirecting from the HTTPs to HTTP for A Virtual Server Port 443 with SSL Offloading



We have a Virtual Server configured for the 80,443 and 8888 port .The Backend Server Ports are listening on port 8080 for the VIP port 80 and 443 where as for the VIP port 8888 the server are listening on port 8888. The Virtual Server is pretty basic configuration for 443 port with http profile and client SSL offloading where as for the VIP ports 80 and 8888 it just a basic VIP no offloading and the application works absolutely fine without any kind of issue. But we have got into a stituation where when we try to hit it is always redirecting to We tried a http to https redirect irule attached to the VIP port 80 so all the traffic was redirecting to https, this seems to be resolved as far as going through the browser, but the stores having the kiosk and Ipad's are not working resulted in a big outage. I also tried adding X-forwarded-proto header and enabled the X-forwarded-for in the http profile. Is there any way that this can be resolved?


1 Reply

  • Just to clarify ... When you say "(...) but we have got into a situation where when we try to hit it is always redirecting to (...)", do you actually mean that the problem only happens when browsing to that exact URL (including home.html), or any https url?


    Also, I don't think you have actually attached the iRule you are using.


    For now though, would you please post your virtual servers configuration - both http and https for ports 80 and 443 respectively? To do so, connect to your f5 and run the following commands:


    tmsh list ltm virtual



    Copy & Paste here the relevant sections for those virtual servers only.