Forum Discussion

draco_184361's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 28, 2017

Couple of questions regarding ASM.

1) if i choose enforcement readiness to 7 days, then after 7 days will the enforcement mode change from transparent to blocking automatically ? or does it just mean the system starts suggesting the entities and attack signatures are to be enforced or not ?


2)For SSO authentication , is there any protection that can be given from ASM ?


3)Has any deployed ASM for open text based CMS ?


4) For NTLM authentication used on application, what are the protection that can be done on ASM ?


Do Reply and thanks!


1 Reply

  • 1) if i choose enforcement readiness to 7 days, then after 7 days will the enforcement mode change from transparent to blocking automatically ? or does it just mean the system starts suggesting the entities and attack signatures are to be enforced or not ?


    it wont block until you update policy as block mode, the period just suggest entities and attack signatures.


    2)For SSO authentication , is there any protection that can be given from ASM ? i dont think any specific thing on ASM,mostly it should be via APM


    3)Has any deployed ASM for open text based CMS ? not sure


    4) For NTLM authentication used on application, what are the protection that can be done on ASM ? normally, start with default ASM signatures and based on event logs keep update all you files,parameters,ips etc to blcok...