Forum Discussion

sendy_183592's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 06, 2018

GTM Version

Dear All,


We are planning to use the GTM feature BIG IP DNS- seamless fail over between data centres.


Please can you advise me which latest production version on F5-LTM supports this feature


Thanks in advance




1 Reply

  • Jonathan_DeHaa1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I could be snarky and respond "All currently supported versions of GTM (10.x - 11.x) and DNS (12.x -13.x) support datacenter failover", but I'm intrigued by your use of the word 'seamless'. In my experience, a failover event always has a seam (however small it may be). In order to achieve true seamlessness, you must use a proactive migration strategy, rather than a reactive failover strategy.


    Could you expound a little bit on how you expect to achieve seamlessness or which configuration objects you have versioning concerns about?