Forum Discussion

amebiz_142234's avatar
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May 25, 2018

irule pool selection based on dynamic cookie value

Hi, my scenario: i want to select a pool based on a cookie value - that works as aspected


if { [HTTP::cookie exists "myCookie"] } {
  switch -glob [HTTP::cookie value "myCookie"] {
    "foo" { pool foo }
    "bar" { pool bar }
    default { pool default  }
} else {
    pool default 

i'm struggle at the point to set the cookie for a uri match condition


if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] equals "/foo/" } {
    psuedo code: set cookie myCookie value foo
if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] equals "/bar/" } {
    psuedo code: set cookie myCookie value bar

i know that i have to put the cookie insert in the HTTP_RESPONSE so that the browser add it but in this context is a uri match no possible have anyone a idea how i can set a cookie in the response with a condition in the request? thanks for your ideas


4 Replies

  • Cookies are set using the following syntax:

    HTTP::cookie insert name  value  [path ] [domain ] [version <0 | 1 | 2>]

    I've updated your iRule, please give it a try and let me know how you get on

    when_HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] equals "/foo/" } {
            HTTP::cookie insert name "myCookie" value "foo"
        if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] equals "/bar/" } {
            HTTP::cookie insert name "myCookie" value "bar"
  • that works fine

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
     Check the requested URI
    switch -glob [HTTP::uri] {
        pool foo
        persist cookie insert foo 0
        default {
        pool bar
        persist cookie insert bar 0


  • there is a way to add a cookie in a redirect. also a cool way to handle that

    when_HTTP_REQUEST {
    if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] equals "/foo/" } {
        set cookie [format "%s=%s; path=/; domain=%s" "cookie" "foo" ""]
        HTTP::respond 301 Location "/foo" "Set-Cookie" $cookie
    if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] equals "/bar/" } {
        set cookie [format "%s=%s; path=/; domain=%s" "cookie" "bar" ""]
        HTTP::respond 301 Location "/bar" "Set-Cookie" $cookie
  • Hi,


    you can use following code:


        set default_pool [LB::server pool]
    when_HTTP_REQUEST {
        set target ""
        if { [string tolower [HTTP::path]] equals "/foo/" } {
            set target "foo"
        } elseif { [string tolower [HTTP::path]] equals "/bar/" } {
            set target "bar"
        if { [HTTP::cookie exists "myCookie"] && $target equals "" } {
             target is empty, get target from cookie
            set target [HTTP::cookie value "myCookie"]
        } elseif { (![HTTP::cookie exists "myCookie"] && $target ne "") || [HTTP::cookie value "myCookie"] ne $target } {
             cookie value is empty or value is wrong, inject cookie with right value is response.
            set inject_cookie $target
        switch $target {
            foo {pool foo}
            bar {pool bar}
            default {pool $default_pool}
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        if {[info exists inject_cookie]} {
            HTTP::cookie insert name myCookie value $inject_cookie
            unset inject_cookie