Forum Discussion

JohnP_WDG_36158's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jul 25, 2018

iApp deployment not showing in CLI list of ltm member pools?

I set up a pool/VIP LTM for our new NPS Radius servers; when I try to do a 'show ltm pool', that pool that was made is not listed in the output.


is this normal? that seems... odd, but I'm guessing that if the iApps can't be altered without going through the reconfigure of the iApp, it may be handled elsewhere.


Also, side question - where do you alter/update the SNAT settings in the iApp reconfigure? I've been trying to do this and having a hard time finding the place to do it.


1 Reply

  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    John, iApps configuration are stored in folders and not directly in the Common partition. Use the "recursive" flag e.g.

    tmsh show ltm pool recursive
    and this should then list the iApps configured objects.

    Hope this helps,
