Forum Discussion

JohnP_WDG_36158's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jul 27, 2018

Non-standard applications that need ALG/Pinholes?

We are working on testing some of our production systems with our LTM to get them ready for migration behind full time. One of the apps we have (netgate from infinitt) has a file upload section, and this seems to be the only part of the app that isn't working. I have a case open with Infinitt, but I'm guessing that it needs to open a high port to upload the files similar to how FTP works.


Is there a way to create a profile or another method on the LTM build that would help allow this? I've tried searching through the docs online and not really getting anywhere except in building out CGNAT, which I don't think is needed (and I'm not licensed for that anyway).


Or, is there an irule or other setup that would help this work?


1 Reply

  • An irule can create an ephemeral listener via the


    listen statement.


    However, you need to understand how the file upload process on the netgate application works - it may be another issue that is preventing the upload from working.