Forum Discussion

hoangtoon_29588's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 08, 2018

How to use same cert for 2 F5 environment

Hi guys, F5 beginner here. So I have a site which is setup on our server with HTTP, I want to setup HTTPS on F5 level. Which SSL method should I create for this? Is it the "Creating an SSL CSR and private key" ??


Also, most important question is how can I use the same cert for 2 F5 environment. I have F5 QA & F5 PROD, how can I use the same cert for both QA & PROD? If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks




1 Reply

  • Find the below answer, If i understand properly.


    Which SSL method should I create for this?


    --> There are two types of SSL profile, Client SSL profile & Server SSL profile. Mostly we configure client-side SSL profile on VIP to secure connection between client machine to F5 BIGIP VIP.


    Is it the "Creating an SSL CSR and private key" ?


    --> Yes. Share CSR to third party(Verisign,GoDaddy, etc) to get certificate or generate self sign certificate.


    I have F5 QA & F5 PROD, how can I use the same cert for both QA & PROD?


    --> Archive Key & cert from One device and import to other device.


    Paste if you have any other question..