Forum Discussion

Korai_331784's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jan 08, 2019

F5 SSL Profile - All Option Disabled



whats the meaning if we select "All Option Disabled" under SSL profile.


I know we use this setting to enable SSL/TLS specific version for SSL processing.


But whats impact if we select "All Option Disabled" under SSL profile


2 Replies

  • The all options disabled selection will basically just disable "Don't insert empty fragments" compared to the default client ssl profile. If you're already using options that you've moved to the "Enabled Options" list, it would disable them. Setting it to All Options Disabled would be the same as removing all of the options from the Enabled options list. If you wanted to re-enable any of them, you could just switch it to "Options List..." and select the options you want to use.




    • Korai_331784's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Ok thanks.


      So in other words still older ssl/tls versions can be used as its not specifically disabled.


      Is there any way if I can see which SSL/TLS version is being used by client