Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Hello Steven,


    It might be easier to just enable auto-update on your connectivity profile. That way, any clients connecting in using an older version of the edge client will be updated to the most recent version your big-ip version supports.


    Best of luck,




    • OridenX_380166's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      That was a thought be have noticed issues with the update as admin rights are restricted. Is there another way?


    • AMiles_377865's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

      Not that I know of or can find. There obviously has to be some sort of check in the background for the auto-update function to work, but I can't find any session variables that refer to the edge client version in session reports or in F5's documentation, and there's nothing in the client-side endpoint checking that refers to it.


      If you could find the variable or the check process, then you could definitely set up either an iRule or add something to your VPE. The problem just seems to be finding it.