Forum Discussion

JRahm's avatar
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Jun 01, 2007

Disabling GTM Persistence selectively

We have a few cases for an internal application where a great number of clients will be hitting GTM via delegation, which means that all users requesting from each delegation will be persisted accordingly. We want the persistence on each wideIP , but not for everyone. Is there an alternative to the persist command that will achieve this desired behavior? In the rule below, I am attempting to not persist if the requests are from a couple subnets, however, I get an error.

01070151:3: Rule [nopersist] error:


line 4: [undefined procedure: persist] [persist none ]

  if {[IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals] or \
       [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]}{
         persist none 

5 Replies

  • OK, I'll give myself a big fat RTFM:

    ttl Overrides the default time-to-live value. Overrides the default time-to-live value. If this command is used for a CNAME, the value overrides the default of 0. If this command is used for a pool, the value overrides the time-to-live value for that pool.

    when DNS_REQUEST {
      if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/24 equals ""] \
        or [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/24 equals ""] } {
          ttl 0

    At the wideIP level, I presume this means persistence, and at the pool level, I presume this means the actual TTL. How do I ensure this is applied at the wideIP level?

    ....unsolicitated commentary to follow...

    Could something other than TTL have been selected as a nomenclature for persistence on the GTM?
  • The rule as written in the previous post resets the defined dns ttl of 600 to 0, so this is not what I wanted. Any ideas?


  • I have opened case C358989 with support on this problem, tech.out is attached to the case. Thanks.
  • Hi Elah,



    We are dealing with some crawlers which we didnt want to redirect with a CNAME. Persist none would be ideal. Was curios if you got a resolution on that case. ( we are version 9.4.6 ).


    Also is it possible to do a class lookup rather than a nested if.





  • In version 10, there is now a persist disable command that should eliminate the CNAME requirement for this solution.