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newf5learner's avatar
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Jun 19, 2014

reverse proxy irule for Lync'13 setup - questions.

Hi, well most of the guys here aware of the reverse proxy irule configuration for lync10 & 13 servers. Let me explain the current setup that I'm working with. We have a WIP '' on our external facing GTM on which I have added aliases as below. alias 1 ) Alias 2) Alias 3)


I have create a VIP ( in my external LTM and pointed the WIP on to the VIP. I mean, WIP has a pool and pool member is (A VIP in from the LTM). At the LTM, I have created a irule so that each site specific URL is pointed to respective regional servers.


VIP : has SNAT enabled. below is the irule.


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { !([HTTP::uri] contains "WebTicket/WebTicketService.svc/Auth") } { switch [string tolower [HTTP::host]] { { pool pool_london_lync13 } { pool pool_tokyo_lync13 } { pool pool_hongkong_lync13 } } } }


Pools and member server details: pool pool_london_lync13 contains ---> (windows'12 server on which we have lycn2013 installed.) pool pool_tokyo_lync13 contains ---> (windows'12 server on which we have lycn2013 installed.) lly for the hongkong. Also, I have assigned a http profile with X-Forwarded-For HTTP feature enabled.


Now, the issues I'm facing are that :


1) At the server end, I'm not seeing any of the client IP addresses(source IP addresses) though X-Forwarded-For HTTP is enabled. Let me know how insert X-Forward option in the irule configuration I have listed above. Server team wants to see the requestor IP addresses(client IP addresses) to be seen the server logs.


2) The above setup is not working when my regional servers are lync'13 servers, but works fine with same irule configuration for 2010 lync. on my external ltm I created a test VIP 20. 20.30.41 and put one of the 2013 lync servers as the members and it worked with no issues(I just isolated the irule and http profile settings from the picture).


can someone suggest me what and where is it breaking, servers team says its the problem with F5 reverse proxy irule and http profiles added.


thanks, Lokesh


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