Forum Discussion

ykkim's avatar
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Dec 02, 2015

iControl - Checking each local LB object's configuration consistency.



My application is using iControl Java API in configuring virtual servers, pools and nodes. As the application users are growing, failure occurs sometimes by almost simultaneous configuration attempt. While a user editing a pool, another user has changed the pool, so the editing pool could lost consistency. I want to check consistency of the target object at every submission so that I decide whether sending the request to F5 or doing somthing else.


If each object has configuration timestamp (or change log) that would be useful. Global configuration time isn't the answer I want. I need each object's something. Also I'm not using syslog.


Somebody help me please.




1 Reply

  • Might be a better idea to use transactions for changes or preferably use a locking mechanism within the app where only one user can have write access to an object at any one time.