Forum Discussion

amolari's avatar
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Jun 12, 2015

apm landing uri - bookmark issue for lambda users

This issue was always there with the Firepass (sol11580)... continuing with APM.


I have APM (portal mode) services that are accessed with landing URIs ( ; Working fine. Now, when users want to bookmark that, it's not possible (except manually creating the bookmark) because of the redirect to


Anyone has a workaround for that (and knows the RFE maybe)?


Thank you




1 Reply

  • We had accomplished this when we used an external login page with some iRules that would add the initial URI to the query string as a parameter, and then if the user went to the page with a GET (instead of a POST, as the APM redirect would do), it would redirect to that uri (e.g. /service1), which our other iRule would grab that as the start uri.

    In my attempt to rework the way we're using APM, I'm working on something similar for the built-in login page. In an iRule, you can use the

    event to check for the redirect to /my.policy and update the uri from there so they could bookmark that page. So in the
    event, you could set a custom session variable for the start uri (i.e. session.custom.starturi),and then update the uri to include that on the login page.

        switch [HTTP::status] {
            301 -
            302 {
                switch -glob [HTTP::header value Location] {
                    "/my.policy" {
                        switch [ACCESS::session data get session.custom.starturi] {
                            "" -
                            "/" {
                            default {
                                HTTP::header replace Location "[HTTP::header value Location]?r=[URI::encode [ACCESS::session data get session.custom.starturi]]"

    After that, you'll need to make sure the

    event handler also handle uris with my.policy in them..

        switch -glob [HTTP::uri] {
            "/?r=*" {
                 If we have an empty path and an "r" parameter, we'll use that as the starturi
                   The "r" param SHOULD be uri encoded
                set starturi [URI::decode [URI::query [HTTP::uri] "r"]]
                if { $starturi starts_with "/my.policy?r=" } {
                    set starturi [URI::decode [string range $starturi 13 end]]
            default {
                set starturi [HTTP::uri]
        ACCESS::session data set session.custom.starturi $starturi

    Then your iRule for handling starturis can deal with the redirect after the user is authenticated.

    Hope this helps...