Forum Discussion

Only1masterbla1's avatar
Oct 26, 2016

How to change datagroup value by using pyhthon script (f5-sdk 1.6.0)



My aim is to change data group value of /Common/zol from 'on' to 'off' by using python script. I am unable to update/set values. Please help.


datagroups in /Common partition aol images private_net zol


My sample code (basic) and output is shown below:


Sample script

! import json from import ManagementRoot import requests from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning)


! Connect to the BIG-IP mgmt = ManagementRoot("", "admin", "admin1")


! Read data group value (Local Traffic -> iRules -> Data Group List) datagroups = print (datagroups) print ("\n") ! dg = print (dg) print ("\n")


for dg1 in dg: print ( print (dg1.partition) print (dg1.records) print ("\n") dg1.records = "[{'name': 'off'}]" print (dg1.records) print ("\n") dg[3].update()



E:\LAB\python> E:\LAB\python>python [{'reference': {'link': ' 1.5.3'}}, {'reference': {'link': ' nal?ver=11.5.3'}}]


[< object at 0x028ECD90>, < ta_group.Internal object at 0x028ECF90>, < ob ject at 0x028ECF10>, < object at 0x029120F0>]


aol Common [{'name': ''}, {'name': ''}, {'name': ' '}, {'name': ''}, {'name': ''}, {'name': ' /22'}, {'name': ''}, {'name': ''}, {'name': '202.67.6 5.128/25'}, {'name': ''}, {'name': ''}, {'name ': ''}, {'name': ''}, {'name': ' '}]


images Common [{'name': '.bmp'}, {'name': '.gif'}, {'name': '.jpg'}]


private_net Common [{'name': ''}, {'name': ''}, {'name': ''}]


zol Common [{'name': 'on'}]


[{'name': 'off'}]


Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 28, in dg[3].update() File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\f5\bigip\tm\ltm\dat", line 69, in update return self._update(**kwargs) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\f5\bigip\resource.p y", line 511, in _update response = session.put(update_uri, json=data_dict, **requests_params) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\icontrol\ ", line 241, in wrapper raise iControlUnexpectedHTTPError(error_message, response=response) icontrol.exceptions.iControlUnexpectedHTTPError: 400 Unexpected Error: Bad Reque st for uri: l/ Text: '{"code":400,"message":"the \"create\" command does not accept wildcard configuration identifiers","errorStack":[]}'


