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Robert_Booth's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 16, 2018

iapp help with pool creation for fqdn autopopulate enabled

I am needing some help with iapp syntax to make sure the newly created pool is created with fqdn & autopopulate enabled. I am using the default http iapp, the newly created pool is created correctly; however, autopopulate for the pool is disabled. How can I set the pool to always be created with fqdn & autopopulate enabled when it creates the new pool as the iapp will only be used for a FQDN node. I would think I would set it somewhere below, just not sure how.


1,0 { [iapp::conf create ltm pool ${app}_pool \ [iapp::substa pool_ramp_pga_arr($advanced,$do_slow_ramp,$do_pga)] \ [iapp::substa pool_lb_queue_arr($advanced,$lb_lcm_licensed,$tcp_queuing)] \ [iapp::substa monitor_arr($new_pool,$new_monitor,$advanced)] \ [iapp::pool_members $::pool__members]] \ translate-address enabled } 0,0 { [expr { $::net__server_mode ne "tunnel" ? \ $::pool__pool_to_use : $::pool__pool_to_use_wom }] \ translate-address enabled } * { none translate-address disabled } }


2 Replies

  • So, this was quite the challenge; I spent some time looking into how to accomplish this task, and it's not straight-forward.

    The command used to generate the pool members syntax is:

    [iapp::pool_members $::pool__members]]
    in the
    section of the iApp.

    is a table generated by the
    section of the iApp.

    is a tcl procedure (similar to a python function) called from the
    iapp 1.0.3


    procedure is written in a way that does not account for the syntax required to add
    fqdn { autopopulate enabled }

    So this solution requires modifying several steps:

    1. Update the presentation template to include an 'autopopulate' option.
    2. Update Update the iapp utility package to read the variable created by autopopulate and write-out the appropriate pool member syntax.

    Let's Begin

    1. Copy the Presentation, Implementation and HTML Help templates from the default iApp to your favorite text editor:

      TMUI -> iApps -> Templates ->

    2. Update the Presentation Template in the following ways:

      a. Update the pool members table and add

      choice autopopulate

          table members {
              optional (( ssl_encryption_questions.legacy_advanced == "yes"
                      || ssl_encryption_questions.advanced == "yes" )
                      && use_pga == "yes" ) {
                  string priority default "0" required
                      validator "NonNegativeNumber" display "small"
              choice autopopulate                  <<<--------< Add this line
          optional ( == "max" ) {
              message members_max

      b. In the 'Text' section, add

      section which will provide a 'None, Yes, No' set of options in TMUI when creating the pool member(s).

          pool.members.port_secure "Port"
          pool.members.autopopulate "Autopopulate" {       <<<--------< Add these lines
              "None" => "",                                <<<--------< Add these lines
              "Yes"  => "enabled",                         <<<--------< Add these lines
              "No"   => "disabled"                         <<<--------< Add these lines
          }                                                <<<--------< Add these lines
          pool.members.connection_limit "Connection limit"
    3. Remount /usr as Read-Write (rw) so we can make changes.

       mount -o remount,rw /usr
    4. Create a copy of the iapp.1.3.0.tcl package so we can customize it without modifying the original:

       cp /usr/share/tcl8.5/iapp/iapp.1.3.0.tcl /usr/share/tcl8.5/iapp/iapp.
    5. Update the new package so it knows it provides iapp package.

       sed -i 's/package provide iapp 1.3.0/package provide iapp' /usr/share/tcl8.5/iapp/iapp.
    6. Tell scriptd that the new package exists by adding an entry to /usr/share/tcl8.5/iapp/pkgIndex.tcl

       echo 'package ifneeded iapp [list source [file join $dir iapp.]]' >> /usr/share/tcl8.5/iapp/pkgIndex.tcl
    7. Change to /usr/share/compat-tcl8.4/iapp/ directory and add a new symlink:

       cd /usr/share/compat-tcl8.4/iapp/
       ln -s  /usr/share/tcl8.5/iapp/iapp. iapp.
    8. Edit /usr/share/tcl8.5/iapp/iapp. to account for the new

      property (Step 2):

       vim /usr/share/tcl8.5/iapp/iapp.

      a. Add

      fqdn  autopopulate
      to the

      proc ::iapp::pool_members { args } {
           Set defaults.
          array set fields {
              address          addr
              port             port
              port-secure      port_secure
              connection-limit connection_limit
              priority-group   priority
              ratio            ratio
              fqdn             autopopulate   <<<--------< Add this line

      b. Update this foreach loop:

                   Transfer non-port fields from the table to the tmsh string.
                  foreach name $nonport_fields {
                      if { [info exists columns($fields($name))] } {
                          append members " $name $columns($fields($name))"
                   Transfer non-port fields from the table to the tmsh string.
                  foreach name $nonport_fields {
                      if { [info exists columns($fields($name))] } {
                          if { $name == "fqdn" } {
                              if { $columns($fields($name)) != "" } {
                                  append members " fqdn \{ autopopulate $columns($fields($name)) \}"
                          } else {
                              append members " $name $columns($fields($name))"
    9. Exit the text editor (:wq) and remount /usr as Read-Only (ro)

       mount -o remount,ro /usr
    10. In the Presentation Template and Implementation Template, make the following changes:

      NOTE: There are over 50 references; make sure you get them all; I suggest a search/replace function in your text editor.

          package require iapp 1.3.0
          package require iapp
    11. Create a new, custom iApp Template using the modified Implementation and Presentation templates and the unmodified HTML Help section:

      • TMUI -> iApps -> Templates -> Templates ->
      • Provide a name for your new template.
      • Minimum BIG-IP Version == 11.5.0
      • Copy the 'Implementation Template',
        'Presentation Template', and 'HTML Help' section into the appropriate
      • Click 'save'
    12. Deploy a new iApp using the customized template.

      TMUI -> iApps -> Application Services -> Applications ->


      NOTE: The FQDN 'ltm node' object must have already been created with 'fqdn { autopopulate enabled }', otherwise you will observe the following error:

      01070734:3: Configuration error: Cannot enable pool member to autopopulate: node (/Common/ has autopopulate set to disabled.
  • Jason,

    My apologies for just now responding to your response on Oct 26th.  After I posted my additional questions on Oct 16th, I ended up opening an F5 support case due to business & project pressures and worked with that F5 engineer who was in touch with development for well over a week looking for any solution and it was the engineer who pointed out that you had responded to my 16th post.  I want to express my sincere thanks for your detailed step-by-step response / instructions with how to handle our dilemma with creating pools within the iapp so that they are created with autopopulate enabled.  Although the instructions contained a small amount of steps; I'm certain you spent some time developing and testing the solution which I can't express enough how your support is appreciated.  I am very happy to report that I finally was able to test everything which worked flawlessly and your instructions were very easy to understand and implement.

    Please do let me know if there is anyone I can contact to express our appreciation for your knowledge, professional support and assistance.

    The last remaining item I have on my list to do within this iapp will be to enable HSTS when the http profile is created. I suspect if it is still not natively supported in the http iapp, your assistance here will be a guide of the similar steps I will need to look into.

    Warmest Regards, Robert Booth Sr. Network Engineer Ventech Solutions | HIDS