Forum Discussion

kohli9harjeev's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 29, 2016

Is there a way to detect jailbroken mobile using an irule?

Hi All


Can someone tell me if there is any way to detect a jail broken device using an irule. We can detect it through APM but I have a situation where a mobile app is accessing a VS on LTM(without APM) and I would like to detect if the device is jailbroken through irule/any way.




3 Replies

  • Does the jailbroken phone send any specific header information ? If this is known, iRule should be relatively simple. However, I am not sure about the unique signature of jailbroken phones.


  • The mobile app installed on customer device must run the check to identify jailbroken device. There's no way to tell the difference purely based on incoming request observation, unless your mobile application has inserted a specific cookie or header. After you have the previous in place, writing a drop/reject iRule that checks for presence of a header or cookie will not be a difficult task. Plenty of examples are available.


  • Thanks everyone!! I asked the application team to gather more information from app and send information for the same to F5 so that we can take some action on it


    Thanks for your support


    Regards Harjeev