Forum Discussion

hooleylist's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jul 17, 2007

clientside { command } usage?


I noticed that most HTTP:: commands I tried to evaluate in the clientside context using the 'clientside' command are disallowed.

   log local0. "[clientside {HTTP::path}]"

MCP error:

[command is not valid in current event context (HTTP_RESPONSE)] [HTTP::path]

Note: HTTP::uri doesn't seem to be validated to prevent it from being used. When I try the following rule, TMM cores:

   log local0. " [clientside {HTTP::uri}]"

So I'm wondering what sets of commands are supported by the clientside command.

And I'm curious to know why HTTP:: commands aren't supported. I was thinking it would be nice to be able to skip saving the HTTP:: command results to a variable by using clientside {HTTP::uri} for example.

Thanks for any info...


[Edit: I was testing on 9.3.0 and checked the release notes for anything related to "clientside", but didn't find anything.]

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