Forum Discussion

SteveMP's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 30, 2017

How to get client SSL profile to inerhit parent cipher suite in SNI config?



A security audit has found some issues with cipher suites in use in the default SSL client profiles(v12.1.2). Since this Virtual Server uses SNI, I am unable to modify the client profiles directly, otherwise I get an error that the security doesn't match for the virtual server(since there are 3 other client profiles assigned to virtual server). I created a new client SSL profile with a more secure cipher suite, and tried using that as the parent, however the client basically ignores the parent profile setting since the child profile contains "DEFAULT" in ciphers. Is there a way to have the client profile inherit the parent's cipher suite? I tried removing "DEFAULT" and leaving it blank, but that also throws the security error. Otherwise I will have to remove the 3 production profiles from the Virtual Server, causing a production outage. Seems rather silly.




5 Replies

  • Use the tickbox, unticking any custom configuration for that cipher configuration field instead of erasing its current config. It should grey out and that's when it fetches the configuration from parent profile. If it doesn't, then you're facing a GUI misleading info bug. I recall this bug of misleading GUI information in clientssl profiles occurred after 10.2.4 to 11.5.x upgrades. It's unlikely this ever got fixed. The workaround solution is to configure inherit settings in TMSH (or /config/bigip.conf and loaded in). This needs to be done once for all clientssl profiles that have one or more parents.


    • SteveMP's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Ah ok, thanks. That seems to be it, so now I get the error "Selected client SSL profiles do not match security policies for Virtual Server /". So it goes back to the limitation since its SNI that all profiles have to be identical. Which is odd, should be a warning, click ok to proceed. Not completely stop me from doing it. Oh well, guess I will have to schedule some downtime for production in order to test with the test site...


  • Use the tickbox, unticking any custom configuration for that cipher configuration field instead of erasing its current config. It should grey out and that's when it fetches the configuration from parent profile. If it doesn't, then you're facing a GUI misleading info bug. I recall this bug of misleading GUI information in clientssl profiles occurred after 10.2.4 to 11.5.x upgrades. It's unlikely this ever got fixed. The workaround solution is to configure inherit settings in TMSH (or /config/bigip.conf and loaded in). This needs to be done once for all clientssl profiles that have one or more parents.


    • SteveMP's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Ah ok, thanks. That seems to be it, so now I get the error "Selected client SSL profiles do not match security policies for Virtual Server /". So it goes back to the limitation since its SNI that all profiles have to be identical. Which is odd, should be a warning, click ok to proceed. Not completely stop me from doing it. Oh well, guess I will have to schedule some downtime for production in order to test with the test site...


  • Hi SteveMP,

    as Hannes have already pointed out, the solution is to uncheck the Chipher-Suite settings so that the profile will inherit the settings from its parent profile.

    When using SNI, make sure that you configure security related settings only in the SNI-Default Profile and that every other SNI-related profile will inherit thoose settings.

    Basically you have to create the folling profiles / inheritance

    - ClientSSL-Profile
         Contains default settings
        - SNI-Default-Profile
             Inherits all settings from the ClientSSL-Profile
             MAY contains custom chiphers, security and ssl settings
             MUST be the default Profile for SNI
            - Additional SNI-Profiles
                 Inherits all settings from the SNI-Default-Profile
                 MUST NOT be the default SNI Profile
                 MUST have a SNI value configured

    To bulk change the involved profiles without getting security warnings, you may...

    a.) Temporary detach all profiles from the virtual server, tweak the settings as outlined above and then attach the changed profile again. This change can be performed on the standby unit to not affect live traffic. After the change is complete synch the configuration or perform a failover.

    b.) Create a new set of SNI-enabled SSL Profiles, tweak the settings as outlined above and then replace the old profile with the just created profiles. Then delete the old SSL Profiles...

    c.) Export the existing SSLProfile configuration via

    tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl
    , change the config settings as outlined above, import the changed configuration via
    tmsh load sys config merge from-terminal

    Cheers, Kai