Forum Discussion

zafer's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 13, 2008

different service port virtual ip address




pool members port is 9080


vip port is 80



when i request the vip adress it works but some images not coming from servers


if i create second vip for port 9080 web page comes correctly with images


i checked statistics; client request to vip over port 80 then other request goes to vip port 9080


i think this is application issue, somethings works on self service port but i dont know whats that


Can i solve this issue without creating second vip address







1 Reply

  • Hi Zafer,



    It sounds like the application is using absolute references to it's own port. Do you see redirects to :9080 or is it just references within the HTML in response payloads? Can you view the source and post some examples of the references to :9080?



    You could use a stream profile and STREAM::expression iRule (Click here) to rewrite the :9080 references in the response payload.


